Welcome Krause Team Leadership

* For Illustrative Purpose Only Not for Public

DRIVE with a Purpose

DRIVE with a Purpose

Proposal to Address current Cigna plan issues

  • High and rising premiums
  • Network access issues in Florida and North Carolina locations
  •  Empower Krause Team member to control their families healthcare

Krause Automotive - $2 Million Projected Annual Saving

Innovative to Solve Soaring Healthcare Costs

  • More Affordable for Middle Income Families 20% – 50% Savings
  • Flexible Open Network Including All Doctors and Hospitals Nationwide
  • Transparent Medical Procedure Pricing Known in Advance
  • Family Friendly with $1,000 Total out of pocket Maternity plan
  • Robust for Major Medical events Additional Expenses
  • Affordable 20% – 50% Savings
  • Flexible Open Network
  • Transparent Procedure Pricing
  • Family Friendly
  • Robust by Design

American Healthcare Needs Innovation

Traditional Companies & Legacy Plans are Restrictive & Expensive

Old Way


Innovative Way

Old Way vs Innovative

Legacy Cigna PlanMightyWELL Plan
Expensive Affordable
Restrictive NetworkFlexible Network
Hidden CostsTransparent Cost
Controlled AccessFreedom of Choice
Heavy RegulationFree Market

Current Plan Success

  • Recognized – #1 Rated TPA Plan (Planstin)
  • Large – 60K Lives Currently on the Plan
  • Stable – 2% Annual Costs Increase last 
  • Efficient – 13K Claims Paid Monthly
  • Nationwide in all 50 states
  • Compliant – Meets all ACA Guidelines 

Compare Plan Features

Plan TypeSelf FundedSelf Funded Health Share
Premium $684 EE & $2,042 Family$500 EE & $1,500 Family$350 EE & $1,000 Family
Deductible$1,500 -$6,000$5,000$1K IUA $3K Max
Coinsurance80% - 20% 80% / 20% 100%
NetworkCignaAll doctors nationwideAll doctors nationwide
Office Visit$30 / $60HSA Self-PayHSA Self-Pay

Choice and Transparency are Keys to Excellent Healthcare

Self Funded - CarePlus

  • Affordable  20% – 30% Savings
  • Open Network Including All Doctors 
  • Transparent Procedure Pricing 
  • Deductible $5K Coinsurance 80%  20% 
  • For Preexisting Medical Conditions

Health Share - Zion

  • Affordable 40% – 60% Savings
  • Open Network Including All Doctors
  • Transparent Procedure Pricing 
  • Low $1K Total out of pocket per Event
  • Family Friendly $1K Maternity Plan

Illustrative Prelimenary Quote

Employee$535- $684$330 - $550580
Employee & Spouse$53225
Employee & Children$1,700$500 - 1.2K25
Family$1K -$1.7K20
Total Annual$5,000,000$3,000,000 650

Projected Annual Savings $2 Million

Healthcare Event Feb 2023
Service tech injured neck

Doctor & Facility Choice – Navicent Hospital, Macon, GA

Procedure Choice – Neck disc surgery

Transparent – Procedure originally priced at $90K, then properly repriced at  $29,600

Affordable – Client out of pocket cost – $1,000

Amazing –  Balance fully paid by Health Share within 30 days  $28,600

Innovative Plan Design

MightyWELL Partners and Affilates

How Excellent Healthcare works?

  • Excellent Healthcare is Family Friendly
  • Affordable for middle income families
  • Patients & Doctors choose treatment course
  • The Individual is Empowered as Payer
  •  Excellent Healthcare is Transparent
  • Comprehensive for catastrophic events

Compare: Mandated ACA vs Personalized Healthcare

Client Financial Impact

ExpenseACAMightyWELL Plan
Co-Pay80% / 20%None
Procedure Price Quoted$87,000$33,000
Plan Benefit ? hidden ?$32,000
Catastrophic Plan Benefit$0$100,000
Client Financial Impact$13,900 out of pocket$94,800 client's to keep

MightyWELL Client Difference $108,700

Employees and their families enjoy the benefits of Excellent Healthcare

Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery Female Age 38

Doctor & Facility Choice – Piedmont Hospital Rockdale County, GA

Procedure Choice – Laparoscopic Gallbladder Removal

Transparent – Original Price  $33,694 repriced at $9,500


Affordable – Procedure costs fully paid after $1,000 out of pocket cost